Farrow Wrap Testimonial
Wed, 23 Feb 2022I was having discomfort with swollen ankles, by the time I went to bed they were like balloons, had to keep them raised as much as I could during the day which immobilised me for long periods.
Fitting the liner stockings on is a bit of a problem especially when you can't bend down to reach your feet, need some assistance. The Farrow wrap garments are easy to apply once the liners are in place. I can now be mobile during the day and the ankles do not swell.
The Farrow wrap garments and stockings allow me to wear shoes normally and they do not restrict the wearing of long pants and after a very short time they are very comfortable.
As I have only had them for short period (4 weeks), the maintenance of the wraps has not been tested as yet but the liners have been washed and have not lost their elasticity.
For anybody who needs to keep their ankles from swelling the Farrow wraps garments will be of assistance, they are not cheap but they give results.
When my set are required to be replaced I will be negotiating another purchase.
Brian Woods